The cigar box ukulele is a wonderfully simple creation that embodies charm. Emerged from genuine passion instead of necessity, this delightful instrument brings new life a forgotten cigar box. Each strum of its strings releases waves of joy, turning ordinary moments into enchanting serenades.
The majority of the effort was dedicated to crafting the neck. This was achieved by laminating 1/8" veneers of curly maple in a vacuum press. Once the adhesive had cured, the rough shape was carefully cut out using a bandsaw and then meticulously refined through sanding.
The interior of the cigar box was reinforced with wood to enhance structural integrity and ensure a secure connection for the custom neck. After the frets were meticulously inlaid and the neck was attached, the ukulele was primed for the addition of tuners, strings, and a few final touches to complete the ukelele.